Our Research

Research has an important role in pharmacy.

Conducting audits, and research leads to evidence based practice which can form the basis of improved patient health outcomes.

The Middlesex Group of LPCs have participated in many research projects involving community pharmacies within our 9 London boroughs.

See below for further information on the research projects we have been involved in.

Research Collaboration

Preconception, pregnancy, perinatal health and child health

Pharmacy4mums2B Project


Asthma study

Covid-19 impact

Covid-19 recruitment study

Early detection of cancer

Early detection of Bowel cancer study

Community Pharmacy Lung Referral Service

Sexual Health

PrEP signposting study

Prevention of Cardiovascular disease

South Asian Biobank study


Atopic Dermatitis study

Psoriasis study

Vape Cessation

Vape Cessation study