Middlesex Pharmaceutical Group

Community pharmacists can take advantage of fully funded NHS training courses to grow their careers and practice.

For more information about the latest courses available from the Pharmacy Integration Fund
and specific career pathways please refer to the HEE website below

Middlesex Pharmaceutical Group

Free training workshops are available for community pharmacists delivering the CPCS service.
The training focuses on clinical assessment skills to support consultations held with patients referred to the pharmacy as part of the CPCS.

Visit the RPS website below for start dates and further information

Middlesex Pharmaceutical Group

FREE Online Training for Community Pharmacy teams in our LPCs
Virtual Outcomes is an Online Training Site that produces short online courses and podcasts on a range of topics, including health promotion, clinical and business development. Course materials are available to support teams with the pharmacy contract, public health campaigns and training of new services too.
You can access the Virtual Outcomes login page below

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Upcoming training

 CPPE workshops July -September 2024

Sign up now for Clinical examination skills training, which will be delivered by CliniSkills.

Health Education England are pleased to announce new, fully funded, NHS clinical examination skills training for community pharmacists.

This new offer will build on community pharmacists’ existing clinical examination and consultation skills – to assess, treat and manage common health problems.

10,000 module places will be available until March 2024.

About the training: Following completion of a pre-required, online gateway module on history taking and identification of serious conditions, pharmacists can choose their preferred journey through four optional modules, based on professional interests. These modules cover four key themes: dermatology, cardiology, paediatrics, and ear, nose and throat.

The module content will be delivered online using a flexible and responsive eLearning system, with optional face-to-face attendance for pharmacists who would find this beneficial. Pharmacists can complete the training at a pace and time of their choice. Face-to-face workshops will be scheduled to accommodate pharmacist working patterns.

The training is designed to be complementary to independent prescribing training and can be completed prior to or after independent prescribing training courses.

Who is eligible: This offer is available to community pharmacists, including part time staff and locums working in community pharmacy.

 Further information

To register and find out more about the training visit the CliniSkills website.

To find out more about the Pharmacy Integration Programme, visit the Health Education England website.