The Drug Tariff Preface published monthly lists additions, deletions and other changes to products listed in the Drug Tariff. Below is a summary of the changes coming into effect from 1 December 2022.

Special container – This product is a special container and should be dispensed in its complete original pack size.
Selected List Scheme (SLS)
This pack only (others already/still available)
Product is eligible for Broken Bulk claims where payment is made for a complete pack if a part-pack has been dispensed to match the prescribed quantity and it is unlikely that you will be able to dispense the balance within the following six months.
Product eligible for Out Of Pocket expense claims (over £0.50) where in exceptional circumstances, contractors incur expenses in obtaining this product (which is not required to be frequently supplied by the contractor).
Product is not subject to discount deduction or ‘clawback’ as it meets either group or individual item criteria for DND (Discount Not Deducted) as set out in Part II of the Drug Tariff.

Part VIIIA Amendments 

Ampicillin 500mg capsules (28) Category A has moved to Category C – Crescent Pharma Ltd BB and OOP
Price remains at £47.96

Chloramphenicol 0.5% eye drops preservative free g (10ml) Category C Eykappo reference product has now been removed – OOP and DND
Price remains at £10.12
Clotrimazole 500mg pessary and Clotrimazole 2% cream g (1) Category C Canesten Combi reference product has now been removed – OOP
Price remains at £10.12

Fluticasone propionate 100micrograms/dose / Salmeterol 50micrograms/ dose dry powder inhaler g (60 dose) Category C Seretide 100 Accuhaler reference product has now been removed – OOP
Price remains at £17.46

Fluticasone propionate 500micrograms/dose / Salmeterol 50micrograms/ dose dry powder inhaler g (60 dose) Category C Seretide 500 Accuhaler reference product has now been removed – OOP
Price remains at £32.74

Peppermint water BP 1973 (100ml) Category A has moved to Category C – Martindale Pharmaceuticals Ltd BB and OOP
Price decrease £11.06 to £6.30

Prasterone 6.5mg pessaries (28) Category C Intrarosa has been re-classified as a special container, product description now reads Prasterone 6.5mg pessaries g (28)
Price remains at £15.94
Sodium cromoglicate 2% eye drops preservative free g (10ml) Category C Librachrom reference product has now been removed – OOP
Price remains at £3.80

Tinzaparin sodium 18,000units/0.9ml solution for injection pre-filled syringes (10) Category C Innohep has changed reference product to LEO Pharma BB, OOP and DND
Price remains at £112.46

Please note price listed here was correct at the time of publishing and is subject to change in line with the price change mechanism.

Part VIIIA Deletions 
If all pack sizes of a drug have been removed from Part VIII of the Drug Tariff the drug can continue to be dispensed as long as it does NOT appear in Part XVIIIA (Drugs, Medicines and other substances not to be ordered under a General Medical Services Contract).

Category C Deletions:

Follitropin alfa 450unit powder and solvent for solution for injection vials (1) – Gonal-f
Follitropin alfa 1,050unit powder and solvent for solution for injection vials (1) – Gonal-f
Human papillomavirus (type 6, 11, 16, 18) vaccine (adsorbed) suspension for injection 0.5ml pre-filled syringes (1) – Gardasil

Part II (Drugs for which discount is not deducted (DND)) Additions

Dificlir 40mg/ml oral suspension
Lenalidomide 15mg capsules
Milrinone 10mg/10ml solution for infusion ampoules
Primacor 10mg/10ml solution for injection ampoules
Revlimid 15mg capsules
Xaqua 5mg tablets

Part II (Drugs for which discount is not deducted (DND)) Deletions 

Concord 693 250mg capsules
Glytactin Restore 5 oral powder 20g sachets
Glytactin RTD 10 liquid

Part II (Drugs for which discount is not deducted (DND)) Amendments  

Previous Part II listing 
Now reads 
Tafinlar capsules (ALL)
Tafinlar 75mg capsules
Thalidomide Celgene 50mg capsules
Thalidomide BMS 50mg capsules

Part IX Deletions

It is important to take careful note of removals from Part IX because if you dispense a deleted product, prescriptions will be returned as disallowed and therefore payment will not be made for dispensing the item.

The following appliances have been deleted from Part IX of the December 2022 Drug Tariff:

Additional information (size, product code etc)
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – Absorbent, Perforated Dressing with Adhesive Border – Telfa AMD Island
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – Absorbent, Perforated Plastic Film Faced, Dressing – Telfa AMD 
All sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Alginate Dressing – Sterile – Kendall Calcium Alginate
All sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Alginate Dressing – Sterile – Kendall Calcium Alginate Plus
10cm x 10cm
All sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Cavity Dressing – Kendall Calcium Alginate Rope
All sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Hydrocolloid Dressing – Semi-permeable – Sterile – Without Adhesive Border – ActivHeal Hydrocolloid
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Hydrocolloid Dressing – Semi-permeable – Sterile – Without Adhesive Border – ActivHeal Hydrocolloid Foam Backed
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Polyurethane Foam Film Dressing – Sterile – With Adhesive Border Moderate to heavily exuding wounds – ActivHeal PHMB Foam Adhesive
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Polyurethane Foam Film Dressing – Sterile – With Adhesive Border Moderate to heavily exuding wounds – Kendall AMD Foam Island
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Polyurethane Foam Film Dressing – Sterile – With Adhesive Border Moderate to heavily exuding wounds – Kendall Foam Island
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Polyurethane Foam Film Dressing – Sterile – Without Adhesive Border Moderate to heavily exuding wounds – Kendall Foam
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Polyurethane Foam Film Dressing – Sterile – Without Adhesive Border Moderate to heavily exuding wounds – Kendall Foam Plus
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – DRESSINGS – WOUND MANAGEMENT DRESSINGS – Topical Negative Pressure System Accessories – Kerlix AMD Antimicrobial Super Sponges
15.2cm x 17.1cm, pack of 5
APPLIANCES – HYPODERMIC EQUIPMENT – Reusable Pens For Insulin – NovoPen 5 (Novo Nordisk Ltd)
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – HYPODERMIC EQUIPMENT – Reusable Pens For Insulin – NovoPen Echo (Novo Nordisk Ltd)
All types and sizes
APPLIANCES – SWABS – Alcohol Impregnated Swabs – Medicareplus Skin Prep Wipes
All types and sizes
INCONTINENCE APPLIANCES – LEG BAGS – MacGregor Healthcare Ltd – Qufora Sterile Leg Bags, containing 1 pair of non-latex gloves and soft elasticated cotton velcro straps per box of 10 – 500ml, long tube Q Flow Lever Tap
12161504, 10
STOMA APPLIANCES – BAG CLOSURES (Available separately from the bags) – CliniMed Ltd – Closure Clamps (Drainable Bags)
3750, 1
STOMA APPLIANCES – ILEOSTOMY (DRAINABLE) BAGS – Dansac Ltd – Unique – Mini clear (reference capacity: 250ml) – Oval flange
All types and sizes
STOMA APPLIANCES – IRRIGATION/WASH – OUT APPLIANCES – (Replacement Parts) (SLEEVES/DRAINS/BAGS/CONES/LUBRICATION) NB. Complete Appliances are not prescribable – B. Braun Medical Ltd – Biotrol Irrigation – Irysleeve Irrigation Sleeves
60650E, 50

To view appliances due to be deleted from Part IX of the January, February and March 2023 Drug Tariffs visit our page Drug Tariff Appliance Watch: Notice of Deletion

To view the latest changes to special container status, visit our Notice of changes to special container status of products page.

To view previous Drug Tariff Watch months visit our page here.

The post Drug Tariff Watch – December 2022 appeared first on PSNC Website.