We are pleased to welcome visitors to a new and improved PSNC website.
Following a period of user testing, our new website has now fully launched. The different teams across PSNC, as well as LPCs (via the PSNC/LPC website working group), significantly contributed to the process of designing and building the new site. Key improvements include, but are not limited to:
A redesigned, more functional homepage;
An improved search function, including suggested search terms for users;
The addition of a most popular pages category for each section of the website, helping contractors to easily find the current important topics and most popular things on the site; and
A new public-facing area of the website containing a wealth of information about the role and importance of community pharmacy for external stakeholders, such as MPs and charities.
We would also like to thank everyone who helped test the new PSNC website. Your feedback was invaluable and helped us to make further improvements to the site, including to the homepage menu design and responsiveness.
PSNC’s Communications Team has produced a short guide highlighting some of the new and improved elements of the new PSNC website in more detail for those who would like to know more:
Introducing the new PSNC website
Please note that none of the content from the previous version of the PSNC website will be lost. Following a through content audit, much has been transferred across whilst outdated or otherwise redundant content has been preserved in an archived version of the older website: archive.psnc.org.uk
During the first few days after the switchover, we will continue to work closely with our web developers to monitor the performance of the new website. If you experience any issues accessing information or guidance, please get in touch via info@psnc.org.uk or 0203 1220 810.
The post Introducing the new PSNC website appeared first on PSNC website.