Pharmacy contractors who normally send their end of month submission bundle to the NHS Business Services Authority’s (NHSBSA’s) Wakefield Processing Centre will have received communication regarding its relocation and notice that from 1st April 2022 (for prescriptions dispensed in March 2022) bundles will need to be submitted to NHSBSA’s new Newcastle office for processing (see address below):
NHS Prescription Service
Unit 5
Greenfinch Way,
Newburn Industrial Estate
NE15 8NX
Please note that this change only affects contractors previously using the Wakefield division and other contractors should continue to submit bundles to their usual division. Contractors will have received reminder letters from the NHSBSA informing them of the change of location and provided new address labels to use. The new division information will also be updated on Manage Your Service (MYS) so contractors can print the correct address labels off.
If contractors have any queries or are unsure of which division to use, please contact the NHSBSA prescription services help desk on 0300 330 1349, or e-mail nhsbsa.prescriptionservices@nhsbsa.nhs.uk.